The New Year is here! Which means a bounty of 2017 beauty trends are headed your way. So, to kick off this fab new season, we have been working on something extra special for our style-feigning fans. If you’re hair obsessed ~ lovin’ new hairdos, trying new tricks, and always perusing unique ways to manipulate your lovely locks ~ then you’ve come to the right place.
Today on the blog, we’re launching the Tri Hair Tips with Top Stylists Series ~ which is our fancy way of saying that we’ve found some of the best Stylists around the globe to share some of their favorite ways to use Tri products and achieve different supple, sexy hairstyles. And, as an added bonus, we’re giving away the product they spotlight!
So please, read on to discover today’s Tri Hair Tip and Giveaway. Let’s get this Tri Hair Tip series party started! ~ and don’t forget to check back as we release a new tip each week on the blog.
Sassy Stylist, Liz Paola, Kicks Off Tri Hair Tips Series ~
If you have curly hair, then you’ll definitely want to read on. But don’t worry, even if your default do’ is stick straight, you can still get some ideas with Liz’s quick hair tip.
Most of you think day-old hair is better for styling, but as Liz says, it’s better to start with fresh clean hair and avoid build up. Now you can get beautiful, sexy curls when your hair is squeaky clean with the TRIDESIGN Clarifying Shampoo. And guess what? You have a chance to win your own! Read on…
How to Enter the Giveaway
We’re celebrating the New Year by giving away our coveted Clarifying Shampoo, great for every hair type to remove product buildup and other impurities! Enter our giveaway for a chance to win our shampoo and give your hair a much needed beauty boost!
- Follow Brenda, Salon Owner @gmsalonspa on Snapchat
- Follow Liz on Instagram
- Follow Tri Professional Hair Care on Facebook
2) Contact Us and tell us why you want to win the Clarifying Shampoo. Include your email!
3) Bonus entry: Tag a friend on social media for an extra chance to win! {limitless}
*Winner will be announced on our Facebook page at the end of January, so be sure to check there! We will also email the winner to claim their prize.* Good luck!
About the Stylitst
♡ Liz Paola is a native Rhode Islander with over 11 years of experience as a hairstylist, with an expertise in curly hair.
♡ Liz is passionate about all aspects of hair and hair styling.
♡ In 2012 Liz was certified by the American Board of Certified Haircolorists.
♡ For Liz, hairstyling is not just about making a client “look good.”
“Hairstyling means “helping my clients understand their hair and the products and techniques available to them so that they can make informed decisions about how to achieve their goals.” ~ Liz